Episode 176:Greatest Friendship Lessons, All The Games & Goodbyes
Welcome back to the final episode of the podcast!! This week we are saying goodbye to three years of learning and growing alongside all of you — with a dash of commentary and a weekly bevy of choice. Which just so happens to be… wine from the bottle Corinne got engraved three years ago to commemorate the launch of the podcast!
To celebrate Am I Doing This Right? Corinne and Natalie share their 10 Greatest Friendship Lessons — both hilarious and sentimental — about growing through their relationship. Stay until the end of the episode to hear Natalie read Corinne’s card on air as an Am I Doing This Right? signoff.
While we’re not coming back with another episode, please check out our amazing library filled with conversations on any and every topic. Since Natalie is now 30 years old and Corinne is getting married, we feel confident in saying that we are! Doing This Right. And we know you are too! Love you guys.
Corinne Foxx - @corinnefoxx
Natalie McMillan - @nataliemcm and @shopnataliemcmillan
What we're drinking: Belle Glos 2020 Las Alturas Pinot Noir
What we’re eating: Trader Joe’s Fancy Cheese Crunchies and Trader Joe’s Candy Cane Joe-Joes
In this episode, we discuss:
The significance of a particular aged bottle of wine
Can you really go wrong with carrot cake?
Corinne and Natalie’s 10 Greatest Friendship Lessons
Corinne and Natalie play ALL THE GAMES!
Natalie reads her card from Corinne on air
Check out the full Am I Doing This Right? library
Corinne and Natalie introduce Hottie of the Week: The podcast + the Am I Community!
Belle Glos 2020 Las Alturas Pinot Noir = 8 / The podcast + the Am I Community!
To wrap up our last episode, we play ALL THE GAMES!
Citizen’s Arrest: Natalie puts a Citizen’s Arrest on high-top sneakers due to their not-so-smooth removal process. Corinne puts a Citizen’s Arrest on 60-degree weather — because it’s confusing.
Would You Rather: In the first round, Corinne and Natalie debate between being a pioneer on the Oregon Trail or being one of the people in the Donner Party. Then, Corinne and Natalie decide between living on Sesame Street or in The Muppets world. The last two rounds are between actors and their movie characters: Gene Wilder or Timothée Chalamet as Willy Wonka, and Andrew Garfield or Tom Holland as Spider-Man.
Unpopular Opinion: Natalie is confident that other cities have worse traffic than LA. Corinne’s unpopular opinion is that she enjoys working in silence — listening to words while writing words is a no-no.
Snacks, Facts, and Hacks: In best-friend fashion, both Natalie and Corinne brought Trader Joe’s Candy Cane Joe-Joes — which taste a bit odd following Corinne’s Fancy Cheese Crunchies. They swap facts about astronaut suits and gladiators in ancient Rome.
Overrated/Underrated: Corinne thinks drinking is overrated, and not drinking is underrated…after her engagement party involving a 12-piece chicken nugget and Big Mac (she’s gluten-free). Natalie’s overrated/underrated is the sound of the vacuum picking something up and the satisfaction from peeling the protective film cover off a new accessory.
Recent Obsessions: Natalie’s recent obsession is rewatching The Office and Corinne’s recent obsession is jazz music, perfect for any situation… minus twerking.
FMK: In the first round, Corinne and Natalie decide the fate of Silver Foxes: Harrison Ford, Anderson Cooper, and Richard Gere. The second round is dedicated to Music Sensations: Beyoncé, Rihanna, and Lady Gaga. (Truly an impossible question!!)
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