Episode 85. Master Your Mind: How To Overcome Limiting Beliefs Around Work with Mindset Coach Topsie Vandenbosch



Corinne Foxx - @corinnefoxx

Natalie McMillan - @nataliemcm and @shopnataliemcmillan 

What we're drinking: Bollinger Special Cuvée Brut Champagne 


Topsie Vandenbosch - topsievandenbosch.com, @topsievandenbosch, Diva Boss Mastermind, Destroy the Mindset Drama Podcast 


Topsie Vandenbosch helps business owners identify, learn and master the use of mindset and emotional intelligence skills in the leadership decisions made inside of their businesses, as well as assisting in transforming the mindsets of hundreds of business owners and career-focused women over the past 10 years. Prior to entrepreneurship, she practiced clinical mental health therapy, and retired from her private practice to pursue being a coach and consultant full time. She helps clients through one-on-one private coaching, group coaching programs, workshops, guest speaking and she's also got a podcast called Destroy the Mindset Drama for people wanting to move past their limiting negative belief


We’ve both had to confront our own limiting beliefs around our self worth, confidence in our careers and imposter syndrome, which is something today’s guest, Topsie Vandenbosch, helps her clients do daily. We get into what an emotional intelligence coach is and how she got to where she is in her career today. We discuss how to identify limiting beliefs that can have negative impacts on our professional lives, and how to develop tools and strategies to overcome them. Topsie also keeps it real and shares what she’s currently working through and her go-to method for doing the thought work. 

In this episode, we discuss:

  • Topsie’s varied career

  • Determining if something is a limiting belief, or just a lived experience

  • Common limiting beliefs that many entrepreneurs and career-focused people share

  • Figuring out what is a thought versus the truth

  • Eliminating the shame around mindset work

  • Overcoming societal views of what a confident, powerful woman looks like

  • The power of being your own hype woman

  • Digging deeper on jealousy

  • Details about Topsie’s Destroy the Mindset Drama program


Corinne and Natalie introduce Hottie of the Week: Jessica Chastain 


Bollinger Special Cuvée Brut Champagne = 8.5 / Jessica Chastain 


To wrap up the episode, we play 200 Questions. Corinne asks Nat what she has created that she’s most proud of, and Nat says that it’s the family and community that she’s built. Nat asks Corinne what she’s famous for amongst her family and friends, and Corinne says that it’s for sure her gift giving skills. 

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Episode 86. Personal Safety 101: How To Protect Yourself In Any Situation


Episode 84.How To Get Over Someone (An Ex Partner, Friend, A Job, Etc.)